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Version: 3.xx.xx



useCan uses the can as the query function for react-query's useQuery. It takes the parameters that can takes. It can also be configured with queryOptions for useQuery. Returns the result of useQuery.

import { useCan } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const { data } = useCan({
resource: "resource-you-ask-for-access",
action: "action-type-on-resource",
params: { foo: "optional-params" },


As the number of points that checks for access control in your app increases the performance of your app may take a hit especially if its access control involves remote endpoints. Caching the access control checks helps a great deal. Since refine uses react-query it can be easily done configuring staleTime and cacheTime properties.

import { useCan } from "@pankod/refine-core";

// inside your component

const { data } = useCan({
resource: "resource-you-ask-for-access",
action: "action-type-on-resource",
params: { foo: "optional-params" } },
queryOptions: {
staleTime: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes



Type Parameters

CanReturnTypeResult data of the query HttpError

Return values

Result of the react-query's useQueryQueryObserverResult<{ data: CanReturnType; }>